Monday 9 July 2012

Flowers---Directx 2D

Flower Game:

This is my first game created in Direct X .This is the game collecting flowers based on the colors,shapes and inner colors.Winning condition is to collect minimum flowers of each color with in time.Lose if u r not collecting flowers with in time. Total levels are 3.
level-1:collect flying flowers with there respective colored buckets.
level-2:Flowers has 2 colors.collect inner color of flower into the buckets.
level-3:Collect flowers as per shapes of flowers .

Software used:

Visual studio 2010
Direct X SDK
PhotoShop CS3

Screen Shots of the Game:

Game Play  Video:


  1. My concept has got life in ur hand..very happy..

  2. I am very proud of u ,My dear Student Come Friend...
