Monday 9 July 2012

Draw And Play(DAP) --- Directx 2D


Draw & play was my second game created using Direct X.This is a puzzle game.Winning condition is that player has to put the ball into the bucket.Player has to draw the lines and let the ball fall into the bucket. Total levels are 8. 

Software used:

Visual Studio 2010
Direct X SDK
Photoshop CS3

Screen shots of the game :

Game Play of the game:

Flowers---Directx 2D

Flower Game:

This is my first game created in Direct X .This is the game collecting flowers based on the colors,shapes and inner colors.Winning condition is to collect minimum flowers of each color with in time.Lose if u r not collecting flowers with in time. Total levels are 3.
level-1:collect flying flowers with there respective colored buckets.
level-2:Flowers has 2 colors.collect inner color of flower into the buckets.
level-3:Collect flowers as per shapes of flowers .

Software used:

Visual studio 2010
Direct X SDK
PhotoShop CS3

Screen Shots of the Game:

Game Play  Video:

MACHINE(Prototype)-----XNA 2D


This is my game prototype created using XNA.This game is based on physics and simulation.player has to place the objects as per  energy is shifting one object to another.cannon is the only energy generator.we have to shift energy as it reaches to end task.

Software Used:

Visual Studio 2010
XNA Game Studio 4.0
PhotoShop CS3

Screen Shot of Game:

Game play Video:

Bad&Pad............XNA 2D

This is known game to all.But I calculated angle to bounce while ball hits the pad......

Dragon Fight----XNA 2D


This is my first game in XNA.This game is about to score high.Player dragon has to kill the enemy dragons by shooting fire balls.AI dragons born randomly while dragon was dead.Random player get power to shoot more fire ball .Health going to lose by fire balls of enemy dragons. Random player will get first aid and it will increase player health.

Software Used :

Visual Studio 2010
XNA Game Studio 4.0
PhotoShop CS3

Screen Shots :

Game Play Video: